目前分類:西式烹飪 (53)

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2020-08-13 昨天的晚餐 (46) (0)
2020-04-08 烹飪新知分享:米其林餐廳大廚們的免費線上料理教室 (11) (0)
2020-03-06 氣炸鍋食譜:香烤排骨 (3688) (1)
2009-12-31 聖誕美食派對 2009 (423) (0)
2009-12-24 今年聖誕吃甚麼 (221) (1)
2009-08-01 Gremolata Prawns 義式香草大蝦 [詳細步驟] (1298) (3)
2009-07-16 最近做的菜 (90) (3)
2009-06-17 紐約客牛扒配烤連枝番茄佐香陳醋洋蔥醬 - 詳細步驟 Dry Aged Angus Beef Strip Loin with Roasted Tomatoes on the Vine (646) (2)
2009-03-04 ﹝簡化隨意版﹞香草烤羊架 / 香草烤羊排 Roasted Rack of Lamb / Roasted Lamb Rack (4257) (0)
2008-10-05 Lamb & Beef Skewers 串燒羊肉‧串燒牛肉 (454) (4)
2008-09-20 煎牛排教學 -- Peppered Rib Eye Steak - Angus Beef 胡椒肉眼排,安格斯牛肉 (10915) (31)
2008-08-14 Zuppa di Vongole / Littleneck Clams in White Wine Sauce 白酒煮蜆 / 白酒小圓蛤 (1695) (15)
2008-08-12 Fennel & Grapefruit Salad 茴香葡萄柚沙拉 (728) (18)
2008-08-10 奧運餐 (11) (4)
2008-07-24 Roasted Rack of Lamb with Mustard & Rosemary 香烤嫩羊排 (1912) (4)
2008-07-23 Scallop Salad with Sesame Dressing 干貝沙拉‧芝麻風味 (129) (8)
2008-07-22 懶人餐 之 Super Easy Pizza (93) (5)
2008-06-04 Linguine alla Puttanesca 妓女做的義大利麵?! (1450) (15)
2008-05-30 Valtellina 肉製品介紹 及 Bündnerfleisch 瑞士風乾牛肉製作片段 (170) (1)
2008-05-27 Bresaola 北義風乾牛肉 (1692) (6)
2008-05-25 Prosciutto e Fichi / Parma Ham with Figs 義大利帕爾馬火腿佐鮮無花果 (1532) (15)
2008-05-16 最美味的義大利蕃茄 San Marzano Tomato (2723) (9)
2008-05-14 asparagi arrosto 香烤義大利蘆筍──這輩子吃過最美味的蘆筍 (55) (9)
2008-05-08 céleri rémoulade 西芹頭沙拉 (2020) (10)
2008-04-23 Beef Steak Sandwich 牛排三明治 (980) (31)
2008-04-15 【半正宗】Guacamole - 墨西哥酪梨沾醬 (486) (18)
2008-04-07 linguine con pomodorini e pecorino 小番茄佩科利諾起司義大利麵 (470) (13)
2008-03-17 penne con capesante e gamberi 鮮蝦干貝筆尖麵 (188) (6)
2007-12-27 Duck Breast with Red Wine Onion Sauce 香煎鴨胸佐紅酒洋蔥醬汁 (3285) (11)
2007-12-26 Paella My Way 海豚流~西班牙海鮮飯 (400) (35)
2007-12-26 Roast Garlic Bread 烤蒜麵包 (49) (0)
2007-12-26 聖誕節晚餐 (156) (0)
2007-12-26 Roasted Potatoes & Carrot with Garlic & Herbs 香烤馬鈴薯、胡蘿蔔、蒜瓣 (121) (2)
2007-12-26 Peppered Beef Steak with Baby Spinach 胡椒牛排佐嫩菠菜 (728) (0)
2007-12-26 Scallops with Capsicums & Asparagus, with Balsamic Vinegar Sauce 干貝甜椒蘆筍佐香脂醋醬汁 (94) (0)
2007-12-26 平安夜晚餐 (21) (2)
2007-10-21 Roast Poussin with Rosemary, Garlic & New Potatoes 香草烤春雞,配烤蒜瓣及馬鈴薯 (130) (6)
2007-09-12 給不愛吃菜的小寶寶──肉醬義大利麵 Spaghetti alla Bolognese (817) (10)
2007-07-22 蛤蜊鮮貝義大利麵 Linguine alle Vongole e Cappesante (296) (22)
2007-07-12 "Vol-au-Vent"~ 酪梨鮮蝦酥盒 (1235) (2)
2007-06-24 酪梨蟹肉棒起司烤麵包 Avocado, Crab Stick & Mozzarella Toast (1396) (10)
2007-06-23 橄欖油香草烤馬鈴薯 Roast Potatoes with Olive Oil & Herbs (844) (2)
2007-06-19 Party@MyHome (227) (14)
2007-06-14 上流社會的小黃瓜三明治 Cucumber Finger Sandwiches of Upper Class (7034) (9)
2007-06-13 Bruschetta with Tomatoes & Basil 蕃茄羅勒香蒜包 (1715) (5)
2007-06-12 簡易奉客茶點 ── Smoked Salmon Open Sandwich (86) (10)
2007-06-06 香蒜辣椒義大利麵 Spaghetti all'Aglio, Olio e Peperoncino (6467) (9)
2007-05-26 五月薯。 (330) (3)
2007-05-10 清爽怡人的希臘沙拉 Greek Salad (11170) (0)
2007-05-08 香草蕃茄起司烤吐司 (277) (1)
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